EV Charging

Concerned about where to charge your new electric vehicle, why not have a smart charger installed at your home by a Registered EV Point installer so every morning you have a full battery, contact us for a free no obligation survey so we can match the right charger for your needs.

By 2025 20% of all new cars sold globally will be electric. That will leap by 40% by 2030 and by 2040 virtually every new car sold globally will be electric.

With a new generation of Electric Vehicles, EVs, now offering a greater electric driving range than that of the early full electric vehicles, the original scare phobia of “range anxiety” is now becoming a thing of the past.

When you combine the advancements in battery technology with the continued deployment and expansion of the UK’s charging infrastructure, including home chargers, the tipping point of EVs is now becoming mainstream, especially when it was announced that more EV’s were registered in September 2021 that were registered in the whole of 2020.

Manufacturers are continuing to invest heavily in EVs, with new models being announced monthly, and the range of the vehicles improving, some promising to deliver anything up to a 400 miles on a single charge,

We can provide a single charging point or multiple stations for a larger facility, and our skilled team will assess your electrical infrastructure to determine the optimal number and location of the charging station(s) with as minimal disruption as possible. Our guidance can help you select between the right charging equipment, assess your electrical capacity and guide you through any permitting or regulatory requirements ensuring a professional and seamless installation. 

We offer EV car charging installations throughout Surrey and Hampshire so please feel free to get in touch today to see how we can help you with going green.


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